STAND TALL (2023) Incisioni, stampe da Tosin Oyeniyi

Incisioni, stampe su Tela, 106,7x99,1 cm
26.232,05 HKD
Prezzo: Spedizione gratuita
Venduto da Tosin Oyeniyi
Trustpilot Eccellente
Spedito da: Nigeria (Tubo) Spedito entro 2 giorni
Soddisfatti o rimborsati entro 14 giorni
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Ritorni accettati 14 giorni Artmajeur si impegna al 100% per la soddisfazione dei collezionisti: hai 14 giorni per restituire un'opera originale. L'opera deve essere restituita all'artista in perfette condizioni, nella sua confezione originale. Tutti gli articoli idonei possono essere restituiti (se non diversamente indicato).
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We won’t give it up We will be fighting Till Africa and Africans are free We’ve been up there And seen poverty beyond compare we know slave drivers just don't care They just don't care Africa's the richest place But it has the poorest race And to us it's just a[...]
We won’t give it up
We will be fighting
Till Africa and Africans are free

We’ve been up there
And seen poverty beyond compare
we know slave drivers just don't care
They just don't care

Africa's the richest place
But it has the poorest race
And to us it's just a disgrace

Africans don't wait too long
We gotta fight because it's not wrong

To be poor it's a hurtful pain
Living in poverty is a burning shame
Help yourself because man you're not lame
You are not lame

Temi correlati

AfricanCultureBlack PeopleLinocutFuture

Tradotto automaticamente
Art enthusiast, archivist, antiquarian and Nigerian hybrid printmaker Tosin Oyeniyi hails from Oyo State, Nigeria where he spent his childhood and teenage years before migrating to other parts of the Country.  The[...]

Art enthusiast, archivist, antiquarian and Nigerian hybrid printmaker Tosin Oyeniyi hails from Oyo State, Nigeria where he spent his childhood and teenage years before migrating to other parts of the Country. 

The meticulous and intrinsically talented Print-Making Artist predictably exploded after bagging his 1st Degree from the prestigious Obafemi Awolowo University where he studied Fine and Applied Arts and graduated as a Graphics specialist. 

Tosin has since stuck with a similitude of an even blend of naturalism and post-expressionism as he colourfully and ingeniously shares the rich and vast African beauty, stories, sceneries and culture with the rest of the world through Prints (LINOCUT). 

Professionally, the highly spirited, independent-minded, Artist has been practicing since 2015 and currently resides in Ibadan.

Through Art, I specifically seek to exhibit, project and export the rich, enormous and vastly undermined  African culture and her custom to the rest of the world. While unravelling the blacks under-appreciated pasts, I also narrate her unscripted socio-economic stages of developments unapologetically.

My works intentionally mirrors and reflects the unpalatable plights of the poor, the predicaments of a typical African woman, the quagmire of the out-of-school children and the vexation of the homeless. 

Although on the other side, I also display the contentment of an average African family with hope-filled, glowing eyeballs adorned in her rich agrarian environment.

My Art, which subvert conventional ideas in styles and final looks, particularly investigates the Blacks persistent yearning for peaceful co-existence, drawing particular attention to the prosperity that is obtainable only within a serene environment, without being political.

Coupling modern education with being an indigenous Artist from a modest background makes my ethos relatable, in that it exhibits real life situations of real Black people.

I have been privileged to feature in several virtual and on-site Art EXHIBITIONS both on the home soil and in overseas. Notable among them are:

- WCPF23 (Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair, London UK, 2023.

- Young Contemporary Printmakers, Lagos Nigeria, 2023

- ART Santa Fe, CONTEMPORARY ART + DESIGN. FAiR. New Mexico, USA. JULY, 2023

- ARCHIVAL, A Visual Narratives, Milwaukee, WI U.S.A., 2023

- RENCONTRE internationale de gravure, Tunisia. 2022
- Contemporary Linocut, Kingsborough Art Museum (KAM), New York City 2022

- Connecting The World Through The Arts, USA; 2022

- DIY Art Show, Sweden 2022

- The ART of Adventure, Lagos, Nigeria . 2022

- Indispensable Woman 1, Artsy. 2022

- Print Auction (1stDips). 2022

-Forgotten Identity, Artsy. 2022

-Freedom Not-Negotiable, Artsy 2022

-Art in Addiction Recovery, USA 2021

-Art in Healing, USA. 2020

-The Adventure Art Exhibition, Lagos, Nigeria(receives publication from THE NATION NEWSPAPER ofWednesday, 5th February, 2019 on page 22). 2019

-Reality behind the masks, Ondo State; 2013

Vedere più a proposito di Tosin Oyeniyi

Visualizzare tutte le opere
Incisioni, stampe su Tela di lino | 99,1x61 cm
15.250,38 HKD
Incisioni, stampe su Tela di lino | 99,1x99,1 cm
28.012,86 HKD
Incisioni, stampe su Tela di lino | 106,7x91,4 cm
23.473,53 HKD
Incisioni, stampe su Carta | 50,8x50,8 cm
11.706,21 HKD


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